8051 Program for Subtraction of Two 16 bit Numbers


Two 16-bit numbers are stored in register bank 2 as follows.

R0 – LSB of first number

R1 – MSB of first number

R2 – LSB of second number

R3 – MSB of second number

Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to subtract second number from first and store the result in same register bank as follows.

R4 – LSB of result

R5 – MSB of result.


Step 1: Select register bank 2.

Step 2: Load LSB of first number in Accumulator.

Step 3: Subtract LSB of Second number from LSB of first number.

Step 4: Store LSB of result.

Step 5: Load MSB of first number in Accumulator.

Step 6: Subtract MSB of second number from MSB of first Number.

Step 7: Store MSB of result.

Step 8: Stop.


flowchart for 8051 Program for Subtraction of Two 16-bit Numbers using 8051 microcontroller


SETB PSW.4 ; Set 4th bit of PSW.

CLR PSW.3 ; Clear 3rd bit of PSW.

; Above steps are performed to select register bank 2.

CLR PSW.7 ; Clear carry flag.

MOV A, R0 ; Load LSB of first number in accumulator.

SUBB A, R2 ; Subtract LSB of second number from accumulator.

MOV R4, A ; Store the LSB of result into R4.

MOV A, R1 ; Load MSB of first number in accumulator.

SUBB A, R3 ; Subtract MSB of second number from accumulator.

MOV R5, A ; Store MSB of result to R5.


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