Microprocessor 8085 Addition and Subtraction Programs

In the article, some examples of Microprocessor 8085 addition and subtraction programs in assembly language programming (ALP) are explained. You need to learn the instruction set of 8085 in detail before programming.

One program can be performed in multiple ways. Here they are mentioned as Program 1, Program 2 …

Addition Programs in 8085

Addition of two 8-bit numbers without carry

Add the contents of memory locations 4000H and 4001H and place the result in memory location 4002H.


LXI H, 4000H ; Load HL with 4000H

MOV A, M ; Copy the operand from memory (H-L pair) into accumulator

INX H ; Increment memory address by 1 (HL points 4001H)

ADD M ; Add accumulator with second operand, result stored in accumulator

INX H ; Increment memory address by 1 (HL points 4002H)

MOV M, A ; Store result at 4002H

HLT ; Terminate program execution

Sample Example:

(4000H) = 23H

(4001H) = 69H

Result = 23H + 69H = 8CH

Addition of two 8-bit numbers with carry

Add the contents of memory locations 2000H and 2001H and place the result in the memory locations 2002Hand 2003H.


LXI H, 2000H ; Load HL with 2000H

MOV A, M ; Copy the operand from memory (H-L pair) into accumulator

INX H ; Increment memory address by 1 (HL points 2001H)

ADD M ; Add accumulator with second operand, result stored in accumulator

INX H ; HL Points 2002H

MOV M, A ; Store the lower byte of result at 2002H

MVI A, 00 ; Initialize higher byte result with 00H

ADC A ; Add carry in the high byte result

INX H ; HL Points 2003H

MOV M, A ; Store the higher byte of result at 2003H

HLT ; Terminate program execution

Sample Example:

(2000H) = 98H

(2001H) = F7H

Result = 98H + F7H = 018FH

(2002H) = 8FH

(2003H) = 01H

Addition of two 16-bit numbers in 8085

Add the 16-bit number in memory locations 4000H and 4001H to the 16-bit number in memory locations 4002H and 4003H. The most significant eight bits of the two numbers to be added are in memory locations 4001H and 4003H.

Store the result in memory locations 4004H and 4005H with the most significant byte in memory location 4005H.

Program 1:

LHLD 4000H ; Get first 16-bit number in H-L register pair

XCHG ; Save first 16-bit number in D-E register pair

LHLD 4002H ; Get second 16-bit number in HL

MOV A, E ; Get lower byte of the first number

ADD L ; Add lower byte of the second number

MOV L, A ; Store result in L register

MOV A, D ; Get higher byte of the first number

ADC H ; Add higher byte of the second number with CARRY

MOV H, A ; Store result in H register

SHLD 4004H ; Store 16-bit result in memory locations 4004H and 4005H.

HLT ; Terminate program execution

Program 2:

LHLD 4000H ; Get first 16-bit number in H-L register pair

XCHG ; Copy first 16-bit number in DE register pair

LHLD 4002H ; Get second 16-bit number in HL

DAD D ; Add DE and HL

SHLD 4004H ; Store 16-bit result in memory locations 4004H and 4005H.

HLT ; Terminate program execution

Sample Example:

(4000H) = 20H

(4001H) = 3AH

(4002H) = 14H

(4003H) = 2BH

Result = 203A + 142BH = 3465H

(4004H) = 34H

(4005H) = 65H

Subtraction Programs in 8085

Subtraction of two 8-bit numbers in 8085

Subtract the contents of memory location 1001H from the memory location 1000H and place the result in memory location 1002H.


LXI H, 1000H ; Load HL with 4000H

MOV A, M ; Copy the operand from memory (H-L pair) into accumulator

INX H ; HL points 1001H

SUB M ; Subtract second operand from accumulator and store result in accumulator

INX H ; HL points 1002H

MOV M, A ; Store result at 1002H.

HLT ; Terminate program execution

Sample Example:

(1000H) = 34H

(1001H) = 23H

Result = 34H – 23H = 11H

Subtraction of two 16-bit numbers in 8085

Subtract the 16-bit number in memory locations 4002H and 4003H from the 16-bit number in memory locations 4000H and 4001H. The most significant eight bits of the two numbers are in memory locations 4001H and 4003H.

Store the result in memory locations 4004H and 4005H with the most significant byte in memory location 4005H.


LHLD 4000H ; Get first 16-bit number in HL

XCHG ; Save first 16-bit number in DE

LHLD 4002H ; Get second 16-bit number in HL

MOV A, E ; Get lower byte of the first number

SUB L ; Subtract lower byte of the second number

MOV L, A ; Store the result in L register

MOV A, D ; Get higher byte of the first number

SBB H ; Subtract higher byte of second number with borrow

MOV H, A ; Store 16-bit result in memory locations 4004H and 4005H.

SHLD 4004H ; Store 16-bit result in memory locations 4004H and 4005H.

HLT ; Terminate program execution.

Sample Example:

(4000H) = 20H

(4001H) = 3AH

(4002H) = 14H

(4003H) = 2BH

Result = 203AH – 142BH = 0C0FH

(4004H) = 0CH

(4005H) = OFH

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